We need to understand that the clarity that the petitioner has been seeking is in regard to a farmer's ability to challenge an appeal decision which might involve the High Court. I presume the point the petitioner is making is were the position of director available to a member of the Judiciary, it might help in dealing with those kind of problems. We will see what comes back.
Is that agreed? Agreed.
Petition No. P00034/24, entitled "Future of the Dean Maxwell Community Nursing Unit, Roscrea", was submitted by Donnacha Delaney. The petition states:
That the Government provides the HSE with the requisite capital funding to build a new long-stay residential care unit for older persons in Roscrea so as to maintain and/or increase current long-stay bed capacity in the town, before any change to the current service provision offered by the HSE's Dean Maxwell Community Nursing Unit are implemented.
The action requested by the petitioner is that the Government needs to ensure that the HSE is funded to provide such a much-needed capital investment and to ensure that its future for the next 50 years is secured for the people of Roscrea, for the benefit of both present and future generations.
The action taken to resolve issue of concern before submitting the petition was that the petitioner wrote to the chief officer, HSE mid-west community healthcare.
The background here is the secretariat forwarded the correspondence from the Department of Health to the petitioner. The secretariat wrote to the Minister for Health, the CEO of the Health Service Executive and the Secretary General at the Department of Health requesting them to outline the long-term plans for the Dean Maxwell nursing home unit based on the new plans proposed for St. Conlan’s community nursing unit in Nenagh and Mount Carmel in Roscrea as agreed in the meeting of 23 May 2024, and received responses.
They are in the summary notes. The petitioner’s response to the correspondence from the Department of Health is also in the summary notes. The joint response from Minister of Health and the Minister of State with responsibility for mental health and older persons as well as the response from the HSE are also in the summary notes.
To inform people, the response from the Minister for Health and Minister of State with responsibility for mental health and older people is as follows:
Dear Deputy Browne,
We refer to your correspondence on 15th July 2024 concerning Petition No: P00034-24: “Future of the Dean Maxwell Community Nursing Unit, Roscrea”.
In order to respond to The Committee’s request for a full breakdown of the actual location of the additional 85 long-stay beds available in the Roscrea area which was mentioned in our previous correspondence to the Joint Committee on 27th June 2024, we have been in contact with the Health Service Executive (HSE) who have advised the following:
• Mount Carmel Nursing Home, Abbey Street in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary has a bed capacity of 31.
• Patterson’s Nursing Home, Lismackin in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary has a bed capacity of 24.
• Villa Marie Nursing Home, Grange, Templemore Road in Roscrea ... has a bed capacity of 30.
The recommendation is that the correspondence from the Ministers be forwarded to the petitioner for comment within 14 days; the correspondence from the HSE be forwarded to the petitioner for comment within 14 days; and the correspondence from the petitioner be forwarded to the HSE for comment within 14 days. Do members have any views?