An Seanad do chur ar ath-ló.
The Adjournment.
Can the Cathaoirleach give us any indication when the new Seanad is likely to meet?
Badh mhaith linn fios a bheadh againn ar an dáta a bheasmuid bailighthe le chéile arís?
The date of the first meeting of the new Seanad will be fixed by the President on the advice of the Taoiseach.
Has the Cathaoirleach any idea of the date that is likely to be fixed?
Any indication I could give would be in anticipation of the decision of the Taoiseach, but subject to that I would say that the Seanad will probably be convened in the first week in September. That, of course, as the Senator will know, is only a personal indication, and there is nothing definite about it.
The Seanad adjourned at 11.55 a.m. sine die.