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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 18 Dec 1940

Vol. 24 No. 29

Business of Seanad.

With regard to the next item on the Order Paper, Sir, which seems to be a formal motion, would it not be well to make a rule that motions of this kind should take precedence of Second Reading Bills? I think we should have something to that effect in our rules, and I suggest that it should be put before the Committee on Procedure and Privileges. It seems to me to be ridiculous that one matter should take hours to debate and that a Minister and his officials should have to wait all that time merely to deal with a formal matter which would only take a few moments. I think it should be on our Standing Orders.

The placing of business on the Order Paper is regulated by Standing Orders, but the alteration suggested by the Senator can, of course, be considered by the Committee on Procedure. I will have the matter placed before the next meeting of that Committee.
