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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Mar 1941

Vol. 25 No. 8

Personal Explanation.

Before taking up the business on the Order Paper, perhaps you would allow me, Sir, to intervene on a matter of personal explanation?

The Senator has my permission.

During Senator MacDermot's speech on the Central Fund Bill last week, and provoked by certain remarks made by the Senator, I made use of expressions for which I was called to order by you and for which on that occasion I expressed regret to you. I realised since that in repeating those expressions in withdrawing from the House I might be held to have transgressed further the Rules of the Seanad. When I did so wrote an apology to you, Sir, and I now desire again to express my regret and to make my apology to the House.

I am glad that the Senator has taken that action. The matter is now closed.
