When is it proposed to take the Second Stage?
Private Business. - Fisheries Bill, 1979: First Stage.
Leave granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to establish a body to be known as the Central Fisheries Board and to define its functions, to enable regional fisheries boards to be established and to define their functions, to dissolve Iontaobhas Iascaigh Intíre Ioncorportha (The Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated) and certain boards of conservators established by the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act, 1959, to provide for other matters connected with the foregoing and otherwise to amend and extend the Fisheries Acts, 1959 to 1978.
Next Wednesday.
I suggest Wednesday week.
I understand that the Government are anxious to take the Second Stage next week.
It is a weighty Bill. However, we can order it for next week.
Second Stage ordered for Wednesday, 21 February 1979.