It would be wrong if this morning I did not mention the events last night in Orlando. While disappointed with the result, as all in the country will be, the House can have pride in the soccer team and the fans in that they were fantastic ambassadors worldwide. They have given all of us, young and old, a fantastic summer and we wish them well on their way home.
The Order of Business is Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Item 1, Investment Limited Partnership Bill, 1993, by agreement, all Stages will be taken today; Item 2, Milk (Regulation of Supply) Bill, 1992, Committee and remaining Stages; and Item 3, An Bord Bia Bill, 1994, all Stages. It is proposed to take a sos at the conclusion of Item 1, to take Committee and all remaining Stages of Item 2 at 2 p.m. and to proceed to Item 3, with the Adjournment Matters at the conclusion of business. It is proposed also to allow 20 minutes for party spokespersons and 15 minutes for remaining speakers on Items 1 and 3.