I take this opportunity to thank Members and officials of the House for their assistance over the past number of weeks in ensuring this Bill could be enacted, subject to its earlier signature by the President, within the next number of days.
I also thank the officials in my Department who worked exceedingly hard, burned the midnight oil and even returned from holidays, as they realised the seriousness not only of the maritime safety aspect but also the aspects relating to the foreshore and the certificate of compliance for vessels under 24 m. I am extremely grateful to all of them. We would only realise the importance of the work we have done today in its absence. I am not presumptuous about what the President might do but if we did not do this, it would be extremely serious for all coastal regions.
We can regulate as much as we like but individuals and groups must realise they are responsible for their own safety. We cannot insist that everyone who goes out wears a life jacket irrespective of age. We can only suggest it as one cannot have an official at every small port around the country ensuring it is done.
Senator McHugh's point on the sand dunes is correct and I know the area he referred to quite well. The existence of the special area of conservation and national heritage area meant it was not possible for one of our finest professional golfers to build a links course there. If that was not acceptable, it is wrong that others should cause such damage.
It is not difficult to deter but it is difficult to detect. All we need do is drive along the roads, particular in rural areas, and see marks made by people who put their lives at risk by doing "wheelies". I state to those who use the sea that they are responsible not just for their own safety but also that of others. They should behave responsibly at all times. We have regulations, statutory requirements and guidance from safety and other experts. That guidance should be followed.
The proper operation of vessels requires the constant and skilled attention of the persons in charge of them. Alcohol and drugs can seriously interfere with the performance of duties. The clear message we all want to send out from this House is that no one who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs should go to sea. I thank the House and am grateful to it for agreeing to take this vital legislation in the last week before the summer recess. Many people would have been adversely affected had the House not agreed to take it.