I move:
That, in accordance with Standing Order 57(2) and the decision of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges, Seanad Éireann agrees that Gay Mitchell MEP shall attend and be heard in Seanad Éireann on Thursday, 24 January 2013, and that the following arrangements shall apply: the proceedings, which shall not exceed two hours, shall consist of a contribution which shall not exceed twenty minutes by Gay Mitchell MEP, a contribution not exceeding five minutes by the spokesperson of each group, and a contribution not exceeding two minutes from a Sinn Féin Senator, at the conclusion of which Gay Mitchell MEP will reply to questions, which shall not exceed one minute in each case, from Members in accordance with the Schedule below.
Fine Gael Senators: 2 questions
Fianna Fáil Senators: 2 questions
Labour Senators: 2 questions
Taoiseach's nominees: 2 questions
University Senators: 2 questions
Sinn Féin Senators: 1 question.