I move:
That leave the granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to reform the regulation of the health insurance sector and for that purpose to vest responsibility for the management of the State’s ownership of VHI in the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform; to provide for the regularisation of VHI's regulatory status; to dissolve the Health Insurance Authority and to confer responsibility for the regulation of health insurance providers on the Central Bank of Ireland and for that purpose to amend the Voluntary Health Insurance Act 1957, the Voluntary Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 1996, the Health Insurance Act 1994 and the Central Bank Act 1942 and to provide for related matters.
The Bill addresses some concerns about certain aspects of the health insurance sector. This legislation is necessary and it should overcome the challenges faced in the area of health insurance. It is in line with what has been done in other European countries over the years. It is worthy of consideration and I hope it can be introduced next week.