How does one follow a speech like that? I have been here only a year but this is the most depressing moment of my time in the Seanad, hearing a Minister be so cold, callous and out of tune with his colleague, Senator Conway, who spoke very well, and with all parties in this Chamber. I have to be blunt - the Minister's speech was a disgrace, an absolute cold-hearted disgrace. It is easy to take pops at Senator Ó Riordáin. We know Labour got it wrong in 2015 and, yes, it was warned. I quote Senator Ó Clochartaigh from 2 December 2015 when he described the Bill as a "Trojan horse" that is rolling back on the human rights provisions of existing legislation and boy was he right.
None of us get it right all the time. I applaud Senator Ó Riordáin's speech this evening and those of my colleagues in Civil Engagement and Fianna Fáil. It seems everyone is wrong except the Minister; even his Fine Gael colleague is wrong because he is right. It is cold, callous and shameful. It is not surprising that the Minister is on record as supporting apartheid in Israel. We know where he stands on the political spectrum - somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. He should be ashamed of himself.
I was at a presentation yesterday and we were all moved by it. Is the Minister telling me that the people at the Migrant Rights Centre are making up these allegations and that there is no basis for these claims or is he just not prepared to listen? I recognise Fianna Fáil's support for this Bill. I appeal to Senator Conway and his colleagues to have some courage because their Minister has been nothing less than disgraceful tonight. It does not surprise me because that is the tradition from which he comes. Not everyone in Fine Gael is like that. There are people with decent views in all parties. Are we going to let these people down? Are we going to make sure that families cannot be united? We know the Minister wants to do that but surely to God, collectively, we are better than that. The Minister should be ashamed of himself. This is the lowest point I have witnessed in this Chamber.