I move:
That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to provide for establishment of a veterans lapel badge to be conferred upon former members of the Army, Air Corps, Naval Service and Reserve Defence Forces.
Vol. 254 No. 1
I move:
That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to provide for establishment of a veterans lapel badge to be conferred upon former members of the Army, Air Corps, Naval Service and Reserve Defence Forces.
Is there a seconder for the proposal?
Senator Freeman was going to second it but she has-----
The Senator must have a colleague to formally second the proposal.
I second it.
I second it.
It has been seconded by Senator Kelleher and Senator Ruane also indicated she would do so. Therefore, Senator Craughwell is in order.
When is it proposed to take Second Stage?
Next Tuesday.
Is that agreed? Agreed.