I move:
That, in relation to the orders of the Seanad of 4th July, 2018 and 29th January, 28th February and 14th March, 2019, establishing and amending the orders of reference of the Special Committee on Climate Action, the orders of reference are hereby amended – (a) by the substitution of the following subparagraphs for subparagraphs (i) to (v) inclusive of paragraph (a):
‘(i) in view of the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Climate Action contained in its report entitled “Climate Change: A Cross-Party Consensus for Action”, laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas on 29th March, 2019:
(I) having heard more from experts, and having been informed by the public consultation and the review of fuel poverty recommended in Chapter 6 of the Committee’s report, report on:
(A) the optimal and most transparent way of using the increased proceeds from the carbon tax, and
(B) the range of other measures that need to be introduced by the Government to enable those most impacted by the increase in tax either to be directly compensated (through, for example, the fuel allowance), and/or to be able to benefit from State-funded climate action measures (such as retrofitting); and
(II) follow up on progress made implementing the recommendations contained in the report, including the amendment of existing climate action legislation, and/or the development of new climate action legislation;
(ii) contribute to the development of Ireland’s draft National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030, in the context of the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union (COM 2016/759);
(iii) review the proposals in the All of Government Plan on Climate Disruption, due in May 2019;
(iv) continue to consider the recommendations contained in the document entitled “Third Report and Recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly: How the State can make Ireland a Leader in tackling Climate Change”, and engage with Government departments on their climate actions;
(v) generally assess the state of play in relation to the sectoral adaptation plans (as required under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 and as set out under the national adaptation framework) of relevant Government departments, and, in this context, engage with the Secretaries General of those departments in relation to the proposed adaptation measures to be included in such plans, taking into account the National Development Plan;
(vi) examine such reports as are published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, including its Special Report on Climate Change and Land, due for publication in August 2019;
(vii) examine the 2019 Annual Review of the Climate Change Advisory Council and engage with relevant stakeholders thereon; and
(viii) consider such other related matters, and engage with such other relevant stakeholders, as the Committee sees fit;’; and
(b) by the substitution of the following paragraph for paragraph (f):
‘(f) the Joint Committee shall report its conclusions and recommendations on the matters contained in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subparagraph (i)(I) prior to 30th September, 2019.’.”