I have received notice from Senator Rónán Mullen that, on the motion for the Commencement of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:
The need the Minster for Health to make a statement on the in loco parentis restriction which applies to the provision of home care packages for children with serious medical needs.
I have also received notice from Senator Robbie Gallagher of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Health to consider increasing the GP services available to the local community of Drumconrath, County Meath, by utilising Caridas House for this purpose.
I have also received notice from Senator Pádraig Mac Lochlainn of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to make a statement on the disputed fishing rights surrounding Rockall.
I have also received notice from Senator Colm Burke of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Justice and Equality to make a statement on the jurisdiction of the city sheriff and the city coroner in Cork since the extension of the new boundaries of Cork city on 31 May 2019.
I have also received notice from Senator Maria Byrne of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Health to carry out a review of the availability of disabled car parking spaces at University Hospital Limerick.
I have also received notice from Senator Victor Boyhan of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government to provide an update on the progress of the working group established to review sustainable rural housing guidelines following the "Flemish decree", and to publish all reports prepared by it.
I have also received notice from Senator Paul Gavan of the following matter:
The need for the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade to make a statement on the peace process in Colombia and the continued assassinations of trade union, civil society and community leaders.
Of the matters raised by the Senators suitable for discussion, I have selected those raised by Senators Mullen, Gallagher, Mac Lochlainn and Colm Burke and they will be taken now. The other Senators may give notice on another day of the matters they wish to raise.