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Seanad Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 16 Nov 2021

Vol. 280 No. 4

Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Bill 2021: Instruction to Committee

I move:

"That, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, it be an instruction to the Committee of the whole Seanad, in relation to the Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Bill 2021, that the Committee has the power to make amendments to the Bill for the purpose of providing that a housing strategy, prepared by the planning authority, must take into account the need to ensure that home ownership as a tenure type is provided for and estimated in the housing strategy; and to make other consequential amendments required to take account of such amendments."

Question put and agreed to.
Sitting suspended at 4.42 p.m. and resumed at 5 p.m.