It is my pleasure to take this opportunity recognise the national day of Croatia. It is a very important day for Ireland and Croatia. I welcome the Croatian ambassador to the House. Every May, Croatia celebrates its national day, Statehood Day, commemorating when the first multi-party parliament was constituted in 1990. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the international recognition of Croatia on 15 January 1992, when all member states, including Ireland, of what was then the European Community recognised the Republic of Croatia as a sovereign and independent state. Ireland and Croatia are now members of the European Union. On 1 January next year, Ireland will celebrate 50 years as a member of the European Union and Croatia will celebrate 10 years as a member.
Links between our two countries stretch much further back. Count Laval Nugent, born in Westmeath in 1777, was an Austrian field marshal who also served as a member of the Croatian Parliament. A young James Joyce, of whom we are very proud - Senator Norris, the father of the House, is the recognised national expert on him - lived with Nora Barnacle in Pula for a brief spell in 1904. A statute of James Joyce, one of Ireland's greatest writers, stands in the city of Pula, commemorating his time there. We are particularly proud of that. We share a love of language and culture. The Croatian language is an examination subject in schools here.
Although there are only a couple of hundred Irish people living full-time in Croatia, that number is growing. There is a large and vibrant Croatian community living in Ireland, comprising more than 20,000 people who contribute greatly to Irish society. Eight Croatian cities took part in the global greening initiative to mark St. Patrick's Day, reflecting the growing friendship between our two countries.
It was a pleasure to meet the ambassador, H.E. Mr. Davor Vidiš, and chat with him about the excellent relations between our two countries. We wish him, the Croatian community in Ireland and the Croatian community throughout the world a happy Statehood Day. I noticed a couple of colleagues remarking informally about my next point to the ambassador outside the Chamber. I travelled privately - incognito, if you like - with my family to Croatia a few years ago. It was a wonderful experience. It is a beautiful country with beautiful people who do not exploit or damage their tourism product in any way. It is an excellent country and it was a great personal experience to visit it.
I wish our guests a wonderful Statehood Day. It is great to have the ambassador with us. I will attempt to wish him a happy independence day in my best Cavan Croatian. Sretan Dan državnosti.
Before I call the Leader, I welcome the young people who are in the Gallery. It is always important to have students and other young people visit the Houses of democracy. I also welcome their teachers, who understand the importance of them being here.