I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Calleary, back to the House.
Digital Services Levy Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages
Sections 1 to 5, inclusive, agreed to.
I move amendment No. 1:
In page 6, line 39, after “imposed” to insert the following:
“or allocated to such a fund relevant to the functions of the Commission, as the Commission and the Minister may deem appropriate”.
Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.
Section 6 agreed to.
Title agreed to.
Bill reported without amendment.
When is it proposed to take Report Stage?
Is that agreed? Agreed.
Bill received for final consideration.
When is it proposed to take Fifth Stage?
Is that agreed? Agreed.
Question, "That the Bill do now pass", put and agreed to.
When is it proposed to sit again?
Tomorrow at 9.30 a.m.
Cuireadh an Seanad ar athló ar 6.07 p.m. go dtí 9.30 a.m. Déardaoin, an 11 Iúil 2024.
The Seanad adjourned at 6.07 p.m. until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 11 July 2024.