It has been presented to Cabinet and is being deliberated on at Cabinet level. It is still on the Cabinet agenda. That is normal; we cannot expect Cabinet to endorse reports on the nod. People want to interrogate the proposals and will have perspectives on them. It is being seriously considered.
Only last week, the Minister of State, Deputy Michael Ahern, introduced the Investment Funds, Companies and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill in the Seanad. That Bill incorporates seven sections that raise the level of penalties in the core consumer legislation enforced by the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs, such as the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, the Consumer Information Act 1978, the Package Holidays and Travel Trade Act 1995, the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act 1996, the Restrictive Practices Act 1972, the Prices Act 1958, the Consumer Credit Act 1995. The Director of Consumer Affairs who had raised the issue of the low level of penalties in consumer legislation in two consecutive annual reports recommended all of that.
Inflation is running at 2.1% as a result of a range of concerted Government actions. We have made significant progress on holding back the tide of inflation.