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Disabled Drivers.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 November 2006

Thursday, 30 November 2006

Questions (64, 65)

Jim O'Keeffe


64 Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Finance his proposals to change the regulations to expand the scope of the disabled drivers scheme; when the inter-Departmental group was set up; when it reported; and if progress has been made in the meantime. [40926/06]

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A special Interdepartmental Review Group set up in August 2000, reviewed the operation of the Disabled Drivers Scheme. The terms of reference of the Group were to examine the operation of the existing scheme, including the difficulties experienced by the various groups and individuals involved with it, and to consider the feasibility of alternative schemes, with a view to assisting the Minister for Finance in determining the future direction of the scheme.

The Group's Report, published on my Department's website in July 2004, sets out in detail the genesis and development of the scheme. It examines the current benefits, the qualifying medical criteria, the Exchequer costs, relationship with other schemes and similar schemes in other countries. The Report also makes a number of recommendations, both immediate and long-term, referring respectively to the operation of the appeals process and options for the future development of the scheme.

In respect of the long-term recommendations, including those relating to the qualifying disability criteria, further changes can only be made after careful consideration, given the scale and scope of the scheme. For this reason, the Government decided that the Minister for Finance would consider the recommendations contained in the Report of the Interdepartmental Review Group in the context of the annual budgetary process having regard to the existing and prospective cost of the scheme. This consideration is undertaken on a regular basis.

Jim O'Keeffe


65 Mr. J. O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Finance the position regarding an application under the Disabled Drivers and Passenger (Tax Concessions) Regulations for a person (details supplied) in West Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40927/06]

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I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners, that based on the information supplied, they have been unable to trace any claim by the named person under the Disabled Drivers and the Disabled Passengers (Tax Concessions) Regulations, 1994. It is a fundamental requirement for admission to the scheme that the person with the disability meets the specified medical criteria and is in possession of a Primary Medical Certificate to that effect issued by the appropriate Senior Area Medical Officer who is an official of the local HSE. It may be that the person concerned has applied for and been refused the required certificate. If that is the case this refusal may be appealed to the Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal, an independent body whose decision is final. It is regretted that the Revenue Commissioners are unable to consider an application without the issue of a Primary Medical Certificate. If received, this certificate, together with the completed application form (DD1) should be submitted to the Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Disabled Drivers Section, Coolshannagh, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan, for processing. An information booklet (VRT 7) which outlines the relevant regulations is available on the Revenue Website at
