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Closed Circuit Television Systems.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 7 October 2008

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Questions (165)

Jim O'Keeffe


281 Deputy Jim O’Keeffe asked the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position in relation to the electronic recording of interviews, the installation of closed circuit television in the public areas of Garda stations and the review of the electronic recording of interview regulations. [33389/08]

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The Garda authorities have been examining the introduction of CCTV in public areas of Garda stations and have implemented a pilot project in Pearse Street and Store Street Stations. This system has now been extended to the Bridewell station in Dublin and is currently being installed in Letterkenny station. Plans are also well advanced for implementation in Monaghan station and, subject to the availability of resources, the Garda authorities intend to extend the system to include all custody holding facilities.

The provisions of the electronic recording of suspect interviews have proven to be a very important safeguard for both detained persons and Gardaí alike. The latest figures available from the Garda authorities indicate that over 99% of all interviews as specified in the Regulations are being electronically recorded. My Department is currently looking at possible changes to the Regulations in the light of recent legislative changes and in the context of the Morris Tribunal recommendations.
