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Schools Refurbishment.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 April 2010

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Questions (361)

Paul Nicholas Gogarty


397 Deputy Paul Gogarty asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Science if all summer works scheme announcements for 2010 have been made yet; if not, when they will be made; if she will clarify if a school (details supplied) has been included; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [16664/10]

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I am pleased to inform the Deputy that I announced details of successful applicants under the Summer Works Scheme for 2010 on 19 April last. 1,490 primary and post primary schools across the country will benefit from small and medium scale building works this summer under the €122 million investment programme announced.

The Planning and Building Unit of my Department has recently contacted all schools approved for grant aid with details and instructions on how to proceed. This includes the school to which the Deputy refers, which has been approved funding for window replacement. A full list of the successful applicants is available on my Department's website

The Deputy may also be aware that schools were invited to apply for funding for water conservation measures as part of the Summer Works Scheme. It is intended that these applications will be processed separately and I hope to announce details of the successful applicants later this year.
