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Post-Leaving Certification Courses

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 16 December 2010

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Questions (12)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


12 Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Education and Skills if she will reverse the decision in budget 2011 to impose a €200 charge on students attending post leaving certificate colleges; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [47675/10]

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The Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) programme provides an integrated general education, vocational training and work experience programme for young people who have completed their Leaving Certificate and adults returning to education. Its purpose is to enhance their prospects of gaining employment or progressing to further or higher education.

I am aware that any reduction in funding or additional charges present a challenge to individual learners as well as schools and VECs. However, this €200 per annum charge is modest and in addition, it is proposed that the cost will be met by the Exchequer on behalf of those students who are eligible under the maintenance grant scheme for students attending PLC courses. Eligible students may include those in receipt of the Back to Education Allowance provided that they meet all of the terms and conditions of the relevant student grant scheme. It is estimated that approximately 50% of PLC learners are so eligible, thereby ensuring that those who are less well off continue to get the necessary supports to enable them to access education and training.

In 2010, my Department is providing some €175 million in funding for the PLC programme, covering staff costs and non-pay costs, as well as student support. It is estimated that savings of €4 million will be generated from the proposed charge which is about 2% of the overall cost of the programme. These savings will allow my Department to maintain the overall number of approved PLC places at 31,688 for the coming 2011/2012 academic year. In 2009/2010, VECs and other providers enrolled over 38,600 learners which is a commendable achievement and one which I hope can be maintained for the current academic year.

It is also important that we do not view PLC provision in isolation from other programmes to provide for further education and training. It is estimated that over 170,000 learners are availing of part-time and full-time further education programmes, including PLC, in 2010. The 2011 provision for these programmes will be maintained at similar levels to 2010.

In addition to further education provision, in 2011, FÁS will provide approximately 100,000 training places. On top of that, the Government is introducing several new measures to strengthen the framework of labour market activation supports for the unemployed, including a skills development and internship programme and an expansion of the Work Placement Programme.
