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Grant Payments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 19 January 2011

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Questions (133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139)

Billy Timmins


177 Deputy Billy Timmins asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to Parliamentary Question No. 845 of 12 January 2011, the position regarding an area aid payment in respect of a person (details supplied); when this payment will be made; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2836/11]

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Written answers

An application under the 2010 Single Payment Scheme/Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 12 May 2010. The 75% advance payment under the Disadvantaged Areas Scheme which issued on 21 September, the 50% advance payment, which issued on 18 October and the further 30% payment, which issued on 1 December, under the Single Payment Scheme, were on the basis of those parcels cleared for payment at that stage, as a number of other land parcels listed on the application of the person named required re-digitisation. This process was completed, following which the final balancing payments under the Single Payment Scheme and Disadvantaged Areas Scheme issued to the person named on 13 December 2010.

Seymour Crawford


178 Deputy Seymour Crawford asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan will receive their area aid and REP scheme payments; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2839/11]

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An application under the 2010 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 21 April 2010. A number of parcels listed on the application of the person named required re-digitisation. This application has is now processed and payment will issue shortly. Payment due under REPS will issue in the coming ten days.

Seymour Crawford


179 Deputy Seymour Crawford asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan will receive their REP scheme payment; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that farmers are being advised that as a result of staff shortages files are not being dealt with; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2843/11]

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Payment will issue to the person named within 10 days.

John O'Donoghue


180 Deputy John O’Donoghue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Kerry will receive their REP scheme payment. [2923/11]

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The file is currently under examination following the re-digitisation of land parcels and my officials will be in contact with the person named when this examination is complete.

John O'Donoghue


181 Deputy John O’Donoghue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Kerry will receive their REP scheme payment. [2925/11]

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The application from the person named is currently under examination following a cross check with the 2009 Single Farm Payment application. My officials will be in contact with the person named when this examination is complete.

John O'Donoghue


182 Deputy John O’Donoghue asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Kerry will receive the second instalment of their single payment. [2939/11]

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An application under the 2010 Single Payment Scheme/Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 05 May 2010. Advance Single Farm Payment issued to the person named on 18th October 2010 on the clear eligible area, however one of the land parcels listed on the application required digitisation. This process is now complete and the balancing Single Farm payment issued on 21 December 2010 to the person named.

Jimmy Deenihan


183 Deputy Jimmy Deenihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when disadvantage area payment will be made available in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [2979/11]

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An application under the 2010 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 10 May 2010. A number of parcels listed on the application of the person named required re-digitisation. This process is now complete and the application has been recently cleared and payment will issue in the coming days.
