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Court Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 September 2011

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Questions (698)

Anne Ferris


705 Deputy Anne Ferris asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of tipstaff employed in the courts; the level of salary paid; if he will give a breakdown by court; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [24126/11]

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The management and administration of the courts, including responsibility for the provision of information, is a matter for the Courts Service. To be of assistance to the Deputy, I have had inquiries made. The Courts Service has informed me that a total of 75 tipstaff are employed by the Courts Service in the grades of usher and crier. Ushers report to members of the Judiciary assigned to the Supreme and High Courts. Criers report to members of the Judiciary assigned to the Circuit Court. Of the 75 serving tipstaff, seven ushers are assigned to Supreme Court judges, 36 ushers are assigned to High Court judges and 32 criers are assigned to Circuit Court judges. The pay scales for Ushers and Criers are as follows:

Salary Rate or Scale

Salary Rate or Scale(Officers appointed on or after 6/4/95)

Salary Rate or Scale(Officers appointed on or after 1/1/11)


€414.34 to €591.36

€435.78 to €621.76

€372.91 to €532.22


€414.34 to €576.52

€435.74 to €606.12

€372.91 to €518.87
