The Report on the establishment of Hospital Groups which I launched on 14 May is the most radical and most fundamental modernisation of our health system infrastructure since the State’s foundation. To achieve the most effective high quality outcomes for patients in the most cost efficient manner possible, the reform of the structures and governance for the delivery of hospital services is vital now. As the Deputy will know, Waterford Regional Hospital is in the South/South East Group.
In keeping with the Report's recommendation, within one year of the formation of Hospital Groups, each hospital group will be required to submit a strategic plan which will outline its plans for future services within the group area. Each Hospital Group will be rigorously evaluated in line with predetermined criteria to see whether they are in a position to advance to Hospital Trust status after the necessary legislation is put in place.
In relation to the particular query raised by the Deputy, as this is a service issue, I have asked the Health Service Executive to respond directly to the Deputy in this matter.