I propose to take Questions Nos. 393 to 395, inclusive, together.
There is one member of staff seconded to the Civil and Public Services Union since 2001. This secondment is sanctioned by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and salary costs are recouped from the Union.
The Staff Exchange Scheme between the Civil Service and the Private Sector was introduced in 2014 and was designed to enhance communication, co-operation and understanding between the Civil Service and the Private Sector and to provide staff development opportunities for participants through new work experiences and project-based assignments. It was also intended to enhance mutual understanding of the drivers of policy and to better inform the policy formulation process of the Civil Service. The Scheme allows for the placement of civil servants from Government Departments/Offices in private sector companies for a minimum period of three months and up to a period of one year. Private sector staff can, in turn, be placed in a Government Department/Office for similar periods. While my Department fully subscribes to the scheme no placements have as yet taken place under its provisions.