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Hospital Beds Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 10 February 2015

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Questions (474, 476)

Richard Boyd Barrett


474. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Health the number of inpatient beds available across the country, broken down by area, for children with mental health difficulties; if he will provide a comparison between these numbers and the numbers over the past five years; the way these numbers have changed since the inclusion of 17-year-old and 18-year-old children in the category of child and adolescent mental health; and his views that this group of vulnerable patients are adequately catered for. [6106/15]

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Richard Boyd Barrett


476. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Health the number of children in the child and adolescent mental health services that are currently waiting for inpatient beds, after being referred for admission; and if children are still being admitted to adult mental health wards. [6108/15]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 474 and 476 together.

As this is a service issue these questions have been referred to the HSE for direct reply. If you have not received a reply from the HSE within 15 working days, please contact my Private Office and they will follow up these matters with them.
