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Aer Lingus Staff

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 May 2015

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Questions (30)

Ruth Coppinger


30. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he supports the position of Aer Lingus cabin crew staff and their union, IMPACT, in opposing the partial outsourcing of transatlantic routes to the United States of America, based on using contract workers employed on inferior pay and conditions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18409/15]

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I take it the issue that is the subject of the Deputy’s question is the reported outsourcing of cabin crew for the new Boeing 767 aircraft which is being leased by Aer Lingus for three months over the summer period to meet seasonal demand on the Shannon to Boston route. I would urge the parties involved to avail of internal dispute resolution mechanisms to try and resolve the issues in dispute here.

I would like to assure the Deputy that the State’s industrial relations machinery is available, if required, to assist in this dispute.

Ireland’s system of industrial relations is, essentially, voluntary in nature and responsibility for the resolution of industrial disputes between employers and workers, rests with the employer, the workers and their representatives. The State provides the industrial relations dispute settlement mechanisms to support parties in their efforts to resolve their differences.

Even what often appears to be the most intractable of disputes is capable of resolution where both sides engage constructively and in good faith in this voluntary process. The principle of good faith implies that both sides in a dispute make every effort to reach an agreement and endeavour, through genuine and constructive negotiations, to resolve their differences.
