My officials have been advised by An Post National Lottery Company that the value of unclaimed lottery prizes for each of the 5 years before the sale of the licence in 2014 cannot be disclosed as these figures are considered commercially sensitive.
I am advised by the Office of the National Lottery Regulator as follows:
The current treatment of unclaimed prizes is specifically provided for under Clause 6.9 of the Licence to operate the National Lottery between the Regulator, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and Premier Lotteries Ireland Limited, which states
"6.9 It is expressly agreed that unclaimed prizes paid to the Licensee as per Clause 6.8 shall be treated as follows:
6.9.1 In accordance with the provisions of Clauses 3.1 and 8, the Licensee shall clearly define in the respective Lottery Game rules, the manner and time period within which prizes must be claimed and shall use its best endeavours to notify Participants of the existence of such unclaimed prizes and to facilitate that such prizes are claimed;
6.9.2 Any expired Unclaimed Prizes shall be forfeited in favour of the Licensee, provided that such Expired Unclaimed Prizes shall be used: solely for the promotion of the National Lottery and/or the Lottery Games (excluding Base Marketing), in a manner determined by the Licensee, which shall include the funding of special draws and additional or top-up prizes; and which may include Incremental Marketing and advertising of the National Lottery and/or Lottery Games; or such other activities to promote the National Lottery and/or Lottery Games as specifically agreed in writing with the Regulator from time to time;
and no later than within three hundred and sixty five (365) days from the date on which they were forfeited in favour of the Licensee."
The previous treatment of unclaimed prizes is provided for under Bullet 7 of "Schedule 2 – Clause 5 The Prize Payment" of the Licence Authorising the Holding of the National Lottery on behalf of the Minster for Finance with An Post National lottery Company Limited (Licensee), which states
"7. Unclaimed prizes may be returned to the players up to the target prizes percentages and any money not so returned will remain in the Fund."
Please note that the information sought regarding the value of expired unclaimed prizes since the new licence came into place is the Licensee's confidential information and under Clause 20.6.1 of the Licence cannot be disclosed by the Regulator. I am further advised that the Regulator asked the Licensee for its permission to disclose this confidential information and the Licensee responded that PLI considers that this information is commercially sensitive and thus it would not be appropriate to release it at this time.
Please note that the Licence to Operate the National Lottery, subject only to minor redactions in respect of confidential information of the Licensee, is a public document and is available on the website of the Regulator
Please note that under Bullet 2 of "Schedule 2 – Clause 6: Good Causes Contribution" of the Licence to operate the National Lottery between the Regulator, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and Premier Lotteries Ireland Limited,
"Amounts in the Fund, allocated to Good Causes pursuant to Clause 6.6 of the Licence shall amount to 65% of the GGR calculated on an annual basis".
(Please note Clause 1.1.24 of the Licence states " 'Gross Gaming Revenue' or 'GGR' means Total Net Sales minus prizes calculated over a Financial Year. For the purposes of this clause 1.1.24, the word 'prizes' means the amount resulting from applying the weighted average prize percentage stated in the Lottery Game rules proposed by the Licensee and approved by the Regulator, calculated over all Lottery Games over the Financial Year on the Total Net Sales".)
Under the Licence Authorising the Holding of the National Lottery on behalf of the Minster for Finance with An Post National lottery Company Limited (Licensee) the percentage of lottery funds to be given to good causes is not stated. In Section 5, the licence sets out the payments to be made to the Fund and the payments to be made from the Fund. The remainder, after such payments and receipts is the amount available to good causes. Under the licence, this amount to good causes is subject to the variable amounts of the payments and receipts to the Fund.
Please note that the number of Retail Outlets at commencement of the Licence was 3,700 as stated in Clause 4.1 of the Licence to operate the National Lottery between the Regulator, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform and Premier Lotteries Ireland Limited,
"4.1 The Licensee shall ensure that within forty-eight (48) hours after the Effective Date the number of Retail Outlets shall be at least three thousand seven hundred (3,700)."
Please note that as of Tuesday 6th March, the number of authorised retail outlets is 5,790.
Please note that Section 42(1)(b) of the National Lottery Act 2013 provides that the Licence must set out a minimum number of agents. Neither the Act nor the Licence impose a maximum number.