The management and maintenance of local authority housing stock, including the implementation of planned maintenance programmes and the carrying out of responsive repairs for tenants living in social housing, is a matter for each individual local authority under section 58 of the Housing Act 1966. Therefore the specific issue raised is a matter for Dublin City Council (DCC).
However, DCC advises that consultant engineers were appointed to carry out a structural examination to determine whether the works to make these stairwells safe can be carried out while the residents remain in their homes. Following the survey, DCC has engaged a contractor to carry out preparatory work. In the short-term, DCC has agreed with the residents to address the stairwells and to collaborate around a schedule of precautionary works to all of the blocks. In the long-term the Council intends to regenerate the entire estate.
The safety of the buildings and the tenants in the complex referred to by the Deputy is of the upmost importance to DCC and I understand that the Council is liaising directly with the residents. While it is regrettable that residents will face inevitable inconvenience due to the carrying out of remedial works, DCC will work with them to minimise any such disruption.