Dara Calleary
Question:348. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Health the status of the progress being made in respect of general practitioner contract negotiations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5106/19]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 5 February 2019
348. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Health the status of the progress being made in respect of general practitioner contract negotiations; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5106/19]
View answerThe Government is committed to engaging with GP representatives on the development of modernised GP contractual arrangements.
Talks between the State and the Irish Medical Organisation resumed in October 2018 and there was intensive engagement, particularly in the weeks leading up to Christmas. While some progress was made, there are a number of outstanding issues that need to be progressed before any agreement can be secured.
The State’s negotiating team is keen to bring a renewed focus to the engagement with the IMO and talks are continuing in an effort to bring matters to a conclusion.
I look forward to positive and productive engagement with all parties concerned. Agreement on the delivery of service improvements and contractual reform would facilitate a very substantial increase in the resourcing of general practice on a multi annual basis.
In line with the long-established approach to such processes, and by agreement of the parties concerned, I am not in position to give further details while engagement between the parties is under way.