As the Deputy will be aware the Public Appointments Service (PAS) is an independent, statutory body which provides professional recruitment and selection services to the civil and public service.
PAS advertised an open and interdepartmental nationwide (excluding Dublin) Executive Officer competition for the Civil Service in January 2019 and from that established panels for county locations. Vacancies were filled as and when required by employing Departments. The number of assignments from any particular panel depends on the demand from Departments/Offices and that demand is subject to their pay and numbers allocation.
All competitions are time bound and this is usually between 18 months and 2 years. This affords an opportunity for those on the panel to be recruited and also gives those not on the panel an opportunity to compete. While every effort is made to make sure that panels are not large, placement on panels is no guarantee of appointment to a position.
PAS will continue to fill vacancies from the 2019 panel until such time that a new panel is formed for each regional location.