My Department currently offers assistance to micro enterprises through the Trading Online Voucher scheme. Administered by the Local Enterprise Office network, this scheme aims to assist our micro-enterprises to realise the potential of online trading. This Scheme offers eligible micro-enterprises a voucher of up to €2,500 (50% co-funded by the recipient) to help them develop their online capacity. This includes training sessions that cover various topics, such as developing a website, digital marketing, social media for business and search engine optimisation.
I am pleased to note that the scheme remains a popular support for Micro-Enterprises that wish to develop their e-commerce presence at this time with over 1,700 applications to date this year.
Also, the COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme, administered by Enterprise Ireland through funding provided by my Department, offers successful applicants a grant ranging from €10,000 to a maximum of €40,000 - covering up to 80% of project costs. The scheme opened Tuesday 4th May 2021 with a closing date of Tuesday 25th May at 12pm (noon).
The Scheme is open to eligible Irish-owned retail enterprises that have 10 or more employees and have the potential to sustain or create jobs, generate growth in online transactions and have an ambition to internationalise their business in the future.
Furthermore, as part of
the Recovery and Resilience: The Path Ahead plan, we have agreed a cautious and gradual phased reopening over May and June. This includes a phased reopening of non-essential retail. Click and collect, in-store by appointment only, and outdoor retail can recommence from 10 May. All remaining retail can reopen from 17 May. It is very much hoped that this will provide an essential boost to this sector after what has been a very difficult year.