Sorca Clarke
Question:154. Deputy Sorca Clarke asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the status of proposed extensions of the gas pipeline to Lanesborough, County Longford. [36912/21]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 8 July 2021
154. Deputy Sorca Clarke asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the status of proposed extensions of the gas pipeline to Lanesborough, County Longford. [36912/21]
View answerThe routing of natural gas pipelines, or the connection of towns to the natural gas network, are matters for Gas Networks Ireland and the Commission for Regulation of Utilities.
Gas Networks Ireland is mandated under Section 8 of the Gas Act 1976 (as amended) to develop and maintain a system for the supply of natural gas that is both economical and efficient. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities has, since 2002, been charged with all aspects of the assessment and licensing of prospective operators that wish to develop and/or operate a gas distribution system within the State under the Gas (Interim) (Regulation) Act 2002.
As Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, I therefore have no direct statutory function in relation to the connection of towns to the gas network.