Paul McAuliffe
Question:133. Deputy Paul McAuliffe asked the Minister for Finance the status of the publication of the credit union policy review framework. [62332/21]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 16 December 2021
133. Deputy Paul McAuliffe asked the Minister for Finance the status of the publication of the credit union policy review framework. [62332/21]
View answerI thank the Deputy for his question. Work on the credit union policy review is now at an advanced stage.
Since the review began, the Department has held extensive engagement with the credit union representative bodies to seek their feedback.
The Minister of State, Sean Fleming TD, has met with a wide range of credit union stakeholders to gain further insights into areas such as collaboration and business model development in the sector.
There will be further consultation with the sector before the finalisation of the list of proposals which are aimed at supporting the credit union sector to strengthen and grow.