In accordance with the terms of the Guidelines for Ministerial Appointments for the 33rd Dáil, as published by the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform, I have two civilian drivers to assist me in carrying out my ministerial duties. The Minister of State in my Department also has two civilian drivers.
The drivers are in receipt of a salary in line with the relevant pay scale. In line with the Ethics Acts, a copy of the contracts of employment of the drivers have been laid before the Oireachtas and can be viewed by the Deputy. Neither the Minister of State nor I have the services of Garda ministerial drivers.
Maintenance and the cost of fuel associated with our use of our cars are met by us as the registered owners and we are entitled to claim travel expenses in accordance with travel and subsistence regulations as set by the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform.
As we did not have Garda ministerial drivers in 2020 and 2021 no costs associated with such positions were incurred in these years.