Under Project Ireland 2040, the education sector will receive a total of approximately €4.4 billion capital investment over the period 2021-2025. This significant investment allows us to move forward with certainty on our ambitious plans and deliver high quality building projects, with a real focus on sustainability, for school communities across Ireland.
This investment will build on the good progress being made on adding capacity to cater for demographic changes and provision for children with special educational needs. This investment will also facilitate an increased focus on the modernisation of existing school stock and help transition the school system for an era of net zero carbon by 2050.
Approximately 1,200 school building projects are currently in progress across the various stages of planning, design, tender and construction – most of which are expected to be either under construction or completed in the period 2021 to 2025.
During the period 2018 to 2021 691 school building projects were completed under the Large Scale Capital Programme (LSCP) and the Additional School Accommodation Scheme (ASA). These projects delivered in excess of 64000 school places. 19 of these projects delivered were in County Kildare; 16 of those were primary schools including one special school and 3 were post-primary school building projects.
It is anticipated that 150 to 200 school building projects will be completed annually during the 2022 to 2025 period.
There are currently in excess of 250 school building projects at construction (on site) with a continuous stream of other projects at or near the tendering stage. These are being progressed as quickly as possible.
The current status of these projects being delivered is listed on a county by county basis on www.gov.ie and is updated on a monthly basis to reflect their progress through the stages.
There are currently 6 projects at various stages of planning and design in the Maynooth school planning area and a further 2 schools are practically complete. These projects, listed below are being progressed through the various stages of assessment and delivery.
The length of time a project takes to deliver depends on a number of factors, including scale and complexity, and is subject to the time it takes to progress through the statutory approval process. There is also always a risk of unforeseen issues giving rise to slippage in the progress of a project through the design, statutory approvals or tendering process. Furthermore, Additional Accommodation projects may differ in the way they progress through the architectural planning process depending on their scope.
Current Large Scale & Additional Scheme Accommodation (ASA) Projects in Maynooth School Planning Area
Roll No.
School Name
Project Type
Current Stage
Presentation Girls NS
Stage 1
Maynooth Boys NS
New School
Stage 4
Gaelscoil Ruairí
New School
Stage 2B
Gaelcholaiste Maigh Nuad
Stage 1
Scoil Oilibheir Naofa
Stage 1
Stepping Stones Special School
Stage 4
Maynooth Community College
New School (Campus Project)
Stage 4 (Practical Completion)
Maynooth Post Primary
New School (Campus Project)
Stage 4 (Practical Completion)
Presentation Girls NS, Roll Number 00779U. The stage 1 report was received in September and is currently under review by the Department’s Professional and Technical section.
The building project for Maynooth BNS, Roll Number 17341U is a new 24 classroom school (replacement school to include an additional 5 classrooms) and 2 classrooms for special education. Construction commenced on site in December 2020 and current completion date is July 2022.
Gaelcholaiste Maigh Nuad, Roll Number 76554W. A project has recently been devolved under the Additional Accommodation Scheme (ASA) 2021 to Kildare & Wicklow Education & Training Board (KWETB) for refurbishment works to the old Maynooth Post-Primary School, to facilitate a Science Lab, Woodwork Room and Economics Room. The Department authorised KWETB to appoint a Consultant for this project in September 2021.
Kildare Wicklow ETB appointed a Consultant to undertake an Options Study of the property proposed to meet the long term accommodation needs of Gaelcholáiste Mhaigh Nuad. The Options Study has been completed and a copy was recently furnished to the Department. This will be considered and the Department will engage with the ETB when this process has been completed.”
The building project for Gaelscoil Ruairí, Roll Number 20527F is being delivered under the Department’s Design and Build Programme. The final grant of planning was received at the end of July 2021. The Department’s Project Manager with their Design Team has commenced the preparation of tender documentation for the project. Once this stage is complete the project will then proceed to tender stage.
The projects for Maynooth campus (Maynooth Community College & Maynooth Post Primary) The projects for Maynooth campus (Maynooth Community College & Maynooth Post Primary) were devolved for delivery to Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board (KWETB). The school was delivered as part of a campus development. The main school buildings of the project were made available for occupation on the 22nd December 2020 to the school. The shared PE facility was made available for occupation on the 1st September 2021 to the school campus.
The project at Maynooth Campus is substantially complete.
My Department has no applications on hand under the additional school accommodation (ASA) scheme in respect of schools in and Maynooth.