I propose to take Questions Nos. 332 and 333 together.
At the end of Q3, 2021, there were 1,052 tenancies supported under Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) in Co. Tipperary. Expenditure under the scheme relating to these tenancies up to end of Q3 2021 was €4,027,685.
At the end of Q3 2021 there were 1,860 households in the county that were actively in receipt of the Housing Aassistance Payment (HAP). At the end Q3 2021, expenditure in relation ot HAP tenancies in the county amounted to €5,569,787.
Data in relation to Q4 2021 is being finalised, full year data for 2021 will be published on my Department's website when available.
In respect of the provision of HAP funding, Limerick City and County Council provides a highly effective HAP transactional shared service on behalf of all local authorities. This HAP Shared Services Centre (SSC) manages all HAP related rental transactions for the tenant, local authority and landlord. Accordingly, my Department does not recoup individual local authorities in respect of HAP rental payments in their administrative areas but, rather, recoups all landlord costs via the HAP SSC.
This funding represents the portion paid by my Department after receipt of the differential rent which is paid by the tenant to the local authority. It does not include administration costs related to the Scheme.
The HAP and RAS schemes remain a part of the suite of social housing options currently available across the country. Under Housing for All, the Government plans to increase the supply of housing to an average of 33,000 per year over the next decade, including an average of 10,000 new build social homes. As new build supply of social housing ramps up, there will be reducing reliance on the HAP and RAS schemes.