Periodic validation forms an essential part of best practice in relation to the management of hospital waiting lists.
Validation is a process whereby hospital administration contacts patients on waiting lists at pre-planned intervals to ensure that patients are ready, willing, suitable and available to attend a hospital appointment or if they wish to be removed.
For a number of years validation was conducted at individual hospital level in Ireland but in 2018, the Minister for Health approved the establishment of the National Centralised Validation Unit (NCVU) within the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF). The establishment of a centralised function has facilitated the introduction of a standardised approach to validation of waiting lists across all hospitals and across Inpatient Day Case and Outpatient waiting lists.
In relation to the data requested by the Deputy, the NCVU provided the attached document which outlines outpatient validation removal figures by hospital from 1st January to 7 October 2022.
The NCVU has advised that patients who fail to respond to Outpatient Commissioning Offer letters are now formally validated by the validation team and removals relating to this cohort of patients are included in the attached report.
OPD Validation