I am pleased to advise that approval has issued for the provision of modular accommodation in respect of 1 x Technology Room, 1 x Construction room plus preparation area & 2 Mainstream Classrooms under the additional accommodation scheme at the school in question.
This project is devolved to the school authority for delivery and is being supported under the Department’s Devolved Reconfiguration and Modular Accommodation programme. This programme provides project management supports to enable the accommodation to be provided as quickly as possible and helps to ease the administrative workload for individual schools in relation to the management and delivery of the project. The use of the Department's Modular Accommodation Framework also assists in ensuring lead in periods for procurement of modular accommodation are minimised to the greatest extent possible.
The overall construction sector environment is challenging and the Department and the Project Management company are doing everything possible to ensure that modular accommodation is delivered as quickly as possible. Following a visit to the school site, the project manager submitted a viability report on the project to the Department which was approved. The project is currently proceeding to construction. My Department is fully aware of the urgency in respect of this project and will continue working closely with the school authority and its project manager in order to ensure this project is completed as soon as possible. The Department is also working closely with school authorities on contingency planning arrangements and putting any necessary supports in place where required.