Patrick Costello
445. Deputy Patrick Costello asked the Minister for Justice if she will ensure other addiction counsellors are sourced as a matter of urgency for the prison service; her views on the situation whereby in Mountjoy Prison there is currently only two addiction/MQI counsellors for the entire prison, given by her own admission (details supplied) 70% of the population have addiction issues in a prison of approximately 800 prisons; and her views on whether two addiction councillors for 550+ prisoners with addiction issues is an adequate number for provision of services. [17690/24]
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Patrick Costello
446. Deputy Patrick Costello asked the Minister for Justice further to Parliamentary Question No. 377 of 10 October 2023, if seven out of every ten prisoners have addiction issues, the reason millions are being spent on hundreds of new places in prison, when the money could be better spent addressing the root cause of incarceration for many of the existing populations, i.e. addiction, which would entail hiring more addiction counsellors. [17697/24]
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 445 and 446 together.
I have requested the information sought by the Deputy from the Irish Prison Service. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to provide the information requested in the time allowed. I will write to the Deputy directly when the information is to hand.
The following deferred reply was received under Standing Order 51.
I refer to your Parliamentary Question Number 445 and 446 for written answer on 23 April 2024 asking the Minister for Justice if she will ensure other addiction counsellors are sourced as a matter of urgency for the prison service; her views on the situation whereby in Mountjoy Prison there is currently only two addiction!MQI counsellors for the entire prison, given by her own admission (details supplied) 70% of the population have addiction issues in a prison of approximately 800 prisons; and her views on whether two addiction councillors for 550+ prisoners with addiction issues is an adequate number for provision of services.
further to Parliamentary Question No. 377 of 10 October 2023, if seven out of every ten prisoners have addiction issues, the reason millions are being spent on hundreds of new places in prison, when the money could be better spent addressing the root cause of incarceration for many of the existing populations, i.e. addiction, which would entail hiring more addiction counsellors.
As you will recall, the information you requested was not readily available at that time and I undertook to respond to you when the relevant information was available.
As the Deputy will appreciate, while focused on rehabilitation and reducing offending, we are continuing to invest in our prison estate, to ensure that it is modern, fit for purpose and has the capacity to accommodate those committed to prison by the courts. So that people are held in an environment that supports recovery and rehabilitation.
The Irish Prison Service provides a health care service for prisoners with addictions in a structured, safe and professional way in line with international best practice. The Irish Prison Service continues to be committed to, and involved with, the National Drugs Strategy in partnership with community colleagues and organisations. The Irish Prison Service has recently published its own Drugs Strategy with the three pillars which aim to Inform & Educate, Detect & Reduce and Support & Treat. In addition, the Irish Prison Service will shortly appoint a Mental Health and Addiction specialist.
As you have noted, it is estimated that up to 70% of the prisoner population have addiction issues. The Irish Prison Service takes these issues very seriously and spends a sum in excess of
€1M per annum on the provision of an addiction counselling service in Irish Prisons. This service is supplied by Merchants Quay Ireland (MQI) who provide a prison-based addiction counselling service across the entire Irish Prison Service estate with the exception of Arbour Hill Prison and the Training Unit where there is currently no clinical need for such a service, however this is being reviewed.
The MQI service provides a range of counselling and intervention skills related to substance misuse and dependency. These skills include motivational interviewing and enhancement therapy, a twelve step facilitation programme, cognitive behavioural therapy and harm reduction approaches. Prisoners are offered one to one counselling and group work interventions. There are 4.3 MQI Counsellors assigned to Mountjoy Prison which includes a counsellor who administers the Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme. There are currently
1.5 Addiction Counselling vacancies at Mountjoy Prison (Main Prison and Progression Unit).
I can advise the Deputy that MQI are in the process of recruiting to fill these vacancies. In addition the Irish Prison Service have recently reviewed the terms and conditions of Addiction Counsellors with MQI in order to make the positions more attractive. It is expected that the current vacancies will be filled in the near future. In the interim period MQI are prioritising those prisoners that are in greatest clinical need and also providing a full time phone line to offer more immediate support. MQI also provide a bespoke rolling 8 week Treatment and Rehabilitation Programme which provides therapeutic supports to up to 9 prisoners at a time to enable them to continue to maintain a drug free lifestyle within the prison setting.
The Irish Prison Service is also exploring options to provide additional supports to people with addiction and mental health issues. The options include the 'Recovery College' model which provides education, training and workshops and the introduction of an Addiction Studies course in Prisons. A module on 'Understanding Drugs in a Social Context' of the Addiction Studies course has already been delivered in Cork Prison by the HSE South. The course is found to support early recovery. It is proposed that the course will be provided in two prisons initially in 2024 and extended to another two prisons in 2025. Finally, it should also be noted that the Irish Prison Service work closely with Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous who provide support to Prisoners.
I trust this information is of assistance.
Question No. 446 answered with Question No. 445.