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Schools Building Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 28 May 2024

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Questions (196)

Jackie Cahill


196. Deputy Jackie Cahill asked the Minister for Education the supports available to a school (details supplied) to purchase land adjacent to it for a carpark; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [23567/24]

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I wish to advise the Deputy, that my Department has no current record of receiving an application for additional accommodation from the school in question.  

The purpose of the Additional Schools' Accommodation (ASA) scheme is to ensure that essential mainstream classroom and Special Education Needs (SEN) accommodation is available to cater for pupils enrolled each year, where the need cannot be met by the school’s existing accommodation or at other schools in the area. 

I can advise the Deputy that the purchasing of land for a car park does not fall under the remit of the Additional Schools' Accommodation (ASA) scheme. 

In general, individual school authorities are responsible, in the first instance, for ensuring the safety and welfare of children and others in their care, including traffic management measures.

The issue of road safety measures outside the vested site areas of schools, such as road signage, traffic calming measures etc., is a matter that should be raised in the first instance with the relevant Local Authority. Local Authorities have the power to decide on road safety measures outside schools and should ensure that measures are in place to protect the safety of local school children.

My Department does not provide funding for site extensions where the original site is not in state ownership. In these cases it is a matter for the Board of Management or the Patron to purchase any site extension required. However, my Department will consider an application for funding to develop a safe set down area and carpark on any new site that may be purchased.
