Deputy Boyd Barrett refers to a figure of only €1.4 billion. He should take a step back and listen to what he said. Is that all he can offer? He says it is only €1.4 million more. Do his words not feel hollow to him? What we are doing is proposing to increase by more than 10% the amount of capital spending we have within the year compared with where we are at the moment. The economy is at full employment. The construction sector is struggling to get and keep the people it needs to turn higher spending into more homes. Yet, all Deputy Boyd Barrett has to offer is to say that an increase of more than 10%, of €1.4 billion, is not enough. What kind of increases is the Deputy proposing? Where is he going to get the money for it? How does he propose to increase spending by so much more than that and not cause a massive increase in inflation and the economy to overheat in the most traditional way that we know can be happen, namely by pumping money into an economy that does not have the ability to absorb it?
I know Deputy Boyd Barrett is going to say that he will fund it from a lower surplus or higher taxes for big companies. On the one hand, he rails against big companies and globalisation but, on the other hand, it is the solution for him for spending all the money he says is easily there to spend.
I could take Deputy Boyd Barrett through the answer I have here. I have already shared so much of it with Deputy Conway-Walsh that I do not think there is a need to take the House through it again. I go back to where I began. I do not know where Deputy Boyd Barrett is coming from on these matters but the last time I checked, and increase of €1.4 billion is an awful lot of additional money to spend in a year. It is being used in so many different ways. One of the main ways it is being used is to enable the building of homes.