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Special Educational Needs

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 23 July 2024

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Questions (813, 848)

Holly Cairns


813. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Education to provide the figures, or estimated figures, for the current unmet level of need in regard to children who require a space in a special educational class. [32830/24]

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Sorca Clarke


848. Deputy Sorca Clarke asked the Minister for Education the number of children with SEN without an appropriate school place. [33397/24]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 813 and 848 together.

Enabling children with special educational needs to receive an education is a priority for this government. It is also a key priority for my department and for the National Council for Special Education (NCSE).

The vast majority of children with special educational needs are supported to attend mainstream classes with their peers. Where children with more complex needs require additional supports, special classes and special school places are provided.

My department works closely with the NCSE on the forward planning of new special classes and additional special school places.

402 new special classes have been sanctioned by the NCSE for the 2024/25 school year, 284 at primary and 118 at post primary level, providing over 2,400 special education places in mainstream schools.

The NCSE is confident that through the provision of the newly sanctioned classes and vacancies in existing classes there is sufficient places to meet the needs of all children known to them for September 2024.

I am determined to ensure that all children who require a placement can access this as quickly as possible. I meet with NCSE weekly to discuss progress and to ensure that every child has a school place for the coming term.

The NCSE continue to be notified where schools are completing the enrolment process to special classes as children move from primary to post primary or leave our school system. These places continue to be filled on an ongoing basis.

The NCSE is working with schools who may be available to open classes for September 2024 but may not be required at this time. They will remain options for additional provision if required throughout the 2024/25 school year.

Parents seeking special class placements for their children are advised to contact the NCSE locally for planning purposes. Local special educational needs organisers (SENOs) are available to assist and advise parents and can provide details on schools with available special educational places. Parents may contact SENOs directly using the contact details available on the NCSE website.

I have asked the NCSE to ensure any remaining classes are established as a matter of urgency and to keep all families seeking class places updated on an ongoing basis to ensure their children can access the provision to which they are entitled.

In addition, significant additional resources and funding of €13 million has been allocated to the NCSE to allow for the expansion of its services, which will bolster the level of service and provide effective structures to relieve pressure on parents when seeking a special educational placement.
