I am pleased to report that my Department has been consistently working to deliver the commitments and priorities set out in the Programme for Government: Our Shared Future.
Through the implementation of these commitments, the work of my Department continues to make positive impacts across our economy and society. Through leading on Government policies supporting rural Ireland and communities, and investing strategically, we are enabling our communities in rural and urban areas to develop sustainably, emerge stronger from challenges, and to thrive.
Since 2020 my Department has provided unprecedented investment in our rural areas and our communities. Targeted measures are supporting rural regeneration, facilitating new working opportunities, fostering regional enterprise growth and enhancing community structures.
A report on the delivery of key commitments is outlined below. A full report on the implementation on all the Programme for Government commitments under the remit of my Department is included in the Appendix set out at the link below.
• Our Rural Future (2021-2025) is the most ambitious rural development policy in Ireland for decades, with over 150 commitments aimed at transforming rural areas. Key initiatives include the expansion of broadband and digital hubs to support remote working; support for local enterprises and tourism; revitalisation of rural towns and villages and enhanced funding for community projects Implementation of this policy brings huge benefits to rural areas, including:
• the expansion of the Town and Village Scheme to include a Buildings Acquisition Measure aimed at tackling dereliction and underuse,
• the publication of Our Living Islands, a milestone policy in the revitalisation of our Island communities, and
• the launch of Embracing Ireland’s Outdoors, the first national outdoor recreation strategy in Ireland.
Departments and State agencies have been progressing the implementation of these commitments, with updates on this work being detailed in the series of six-monthly Progress Reports which can be found on the Our Rural Future website .
• The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) continues to be a key capital investment programme that provides funding for the development and construction of projects in towns, villages and rural areas across Ireland. This Scheme directly supports the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First policy. Since the launch of the RRDF, funding of €577 million has been allocated to 245 projects worth €768 million. The detail in relation to the projects awarded funding in each county is available on my Department’s website gov - Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Approved Projects (www.gov.ie)
• The implementation of Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities (2019-2024) continues to support the community and voluntary sector, helping them to create vibrant and active communities. Key actions include capacity building supports for community groups; support for volunteers; strengthened participatory structures and supports to underpin meaningful engagement and autonomous community development. Significant achievements include the publication of the first National Volunteering Strategy, the first National Philanthropy Policy and the Charities Amendment Act 2024.
• The new National Social Enterprise Policy (2024-2027) “Trading for Impact” aims to cultivate and sustain impactful social enterprises in Ireland, enhancing social, environmental, and economic well-being of people living in our communities.
• Building on the range of programmes to support communities including CLÁR, the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP), Community Service Programme (CSP) and Community Enhancement Programme (CEP); I have been delighted to establish the new Community Centres Investment Fund, the Community Recognition Fund and tailored supports responding emerging needs like the Empowering Communities Programme, and supports for new arrivals. I have provided record investment and targeted measures to enable communities to flourish.
I am proud of the funding and policies provided by my Department as part of the Programme for Government commitments. My Department continues to deliver tangible benefits for both urban and rural communities, supporting economic development and enabling the local development, community and voluntary sector to thrive.
Programme for Government Update