In developing the National Stroke Strategy 2022-2027 the HSE mapped the existing gap in health and social care staff numbers for all disciplines that existed at the time and what would be needed with the projected growth in stroke numbers at individual sites given the proportional growth in the over 65 population in the catchment area of that site (taken from CSO figures) and the fact that 75% of all strokes occur in that age group. A mix of therapy grades is required to deliver optimum care to the person who has had a stroke, and this includes basic, senior and clinical specialist posts.
The Strategy outlined the recommended staffing for Stroke Units which included physiotherapist and occupational therapists. In regard to University Hospital Waterford the below table outlines the recommended staffing and requirements to reach 100% capacity based on projections described above.
University Hospital Waterford
Occupational Therapy
Recommended Staffing
Current HSCP staffing for stroke service
WTE required for 100% capacity
Discussions in relation to the estimates process and Budget 2025 are ongoing, and any final decisions regarding funding allocations will be based on Governmental priorities, and in the context of my Department’s overall financial envelope for 2025.