It is a requirement that all Solar PV installers registered with my Department must provide evidence of appropriate insurance cover as a condition of being included on the registered list.
All solar PV installers must have appropriate insurance cover at the time of the contract and retain insurance cover which is a condition of continuing to be included on the registered list.
Correspondence was issued earlier this year to all solar PV installers on the registered list seeking confirmation of their current active insurance cover. I can confirm that the registered list will continue to be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure all have the appropriate insurance cover in place.
In certain circumstances, a registered installer may subcontract the installation works. My Department does not seek sight of insurance cover of the sub-contractor involved as the contract for the installation of the solar PV system remains with the installer from the registered list. Therefore if problems arise, the applicant may seek recourse with the main contractor, who has the appropriate insurance cover in place.