I propose to take Questions Nos. 444 and 464 together.
As the Deputy will be aware, on 17 February 2023, the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice published its Report, "An Examination of the Operation of the Coroner’s Service". I received a copy of the report and departmental officials carefully examined its contents.
Subsequently, on 20 October 2023, I launched a wide-ranging public consultation exercise to inform the development of proposals for comprehensive reform of the Coroner Service in Ireland, which closed on 19 January 2024.
The Joint Committee’s report, and its recommendations were taken into account of during the preparation of the consultation and the Committee’s report is referenced in the consultation document.
The consultation was an opportunity for members of the public, stakeholder groups and members of the Oireachtas to express their views, observations and proposals on how the Coroner Service might be enhanced into the future.
The Consultation saw a high level of engagement with approximately 250 submissions received across both surveys. A report on the emerging themes of the consultation process has now been prepared by officials in my Department and will be published shortly.