I propose to take Questions Nos. 110 and 111 together.
My Department is the Competent Authority in Ireland with responsibility for pesticides (plant protection products and biocides). This includes responsibility for policy and implementation of controls regarding the placing on the market and use of pesticides, including Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.
Pesticides are regulated under EU legislation which is transposed into Irish law giving relevant enforcement powers to authorised officers which I appoint. Pesticide Control Division, in conjunction with other divisions conduct an annual programme of official controls to ensure compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements. This is done using a risk-based approach and appropriate enforcement actions are taken as provided for in legislation.
A range of powers are available where a non-compliance is identified up to and including prosecution. Examples of measures include issuing of compliance notices, removal of professional users or products from the register, recommendation to award a conditionality penalties to payments under the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) scheme.
Further details are contained in the principle Irish legislation concerning the marketing and use of plant protection products and biocides (as amended):
S.I. 155 of 2012 - European Communities (Sustainable Use of Pesticides) Regulations 2012;
S.I. 159 of 2012 - European Communities (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2012; and
S.I. 427 of 2013 - European Union (Biocidal Products) Regulations 2013.
Plant protection products play an important role as part of integrated pest management. Their usage levels in Ireland are amongst the lowest in the EU, due to our predominant grass-based systems and Ireland is making good progress in reducing chemical pesticide use as measured by EU indicators.