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Nursing Homes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 November 2024

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Questions (254)

Denis Naughten


254. Deputy Denis Naughten asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will amend the current legislation and or scheme guidelines to make provision to allow a disregard for the contribution made in respect of nursing home fees under the fair deal scheme, where a member of a couple requires long-term residential care, from the income of a couple for the purposes of establishing an entitlement to State pension (non-contributory); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [45681/24]

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Matters in relation to the Nursing Home Support Scheme (the Fair Deal scheme), including the assessment of a couple’s means under that Scheme, are a matter for the Minister for Health.

My Department provides income supports through a mixture of contributory payments, which are based on a person's social insurance record, and means-tested social assistance payments.

The State pension (non-contributory) is a means-tested payment for people aged 66 and over, habitually residing in the State, who do not qualify for a State pension (contributory), or who only qualify for a reduced rate contributory pension based on their social insurance record.

By its nature, the means test takes account of the income a person or couple has in terms of cash, property - other than the family home - and capital.  It does not take account of a person’s expenditure commitments or income tax circumstances so there is no provision under the rules to allow a disregard for any contribution made in respect of expenses including nursing home fees under the Fair Deal scheme.

Any decision to allow a disregard for nursing home fees under the Fair Deal scheme for the means test for State pension (non-contributory) would have budgetary implications and would have to be considered from an overall policy and budgetary context.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.
