Pa Daly
Question:334. Deputy Pa Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of horses seized under the Control of Horses Act 2015 in each of the past five years, by local authority in tabular form. [45848/24]
View answerDáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 7 November 2024
334. Deputy Pa Daly asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the number of horses seized under the Control of Horses Act 2015 in each of the past five years, by local authority in tabular form. [45848/24]
View answerUnder the Control of Horses Act 1996, local authorities may take a range of actions in relation to equines including prohibiting horses in certain areas, the issuing of licences and the seizure of horses in contravention of the Act. These powers can be used in respect of straying horses, which includes horses put on land without the owner’s permission, including public land. Local authorities may also prosecute offenders.
My Department provides financial support to help local authorities with the costs of these seizures. The data submitted by local authorities to my Department relate to the total numbers of horses seized by local authorities.
The figures provided by local authorities to my Department in respect of equine seizures by county from for the last five years are provided in the attached table.